Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Conservation is Conservative

I associate with the Republican Party. However, that does not mean that I always agree with everything that is going on within it. My biggest gripe with the party is its reputation, and sometimes deserving, for being anti-environment. I firmly believe that we need to care for the environment even if our reason is only to preserve its natural beauty. It disappoints me to know that I am sometimes criticized for these beliefs by my own party especially because we have such a rich history of strong environmental advocacy.

Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon, and even Ronald Reagan had strong environmental ethics. Richard Nixon may be best known for the Watergate Scandal, but few people remember that the Environmental Protection Agency was his creation. He also signed key pieces of legislation including the Clean Air Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the National Environmental Policy Act. Yes, he really was a republican.

There is a group that I was introduced to when I was young and having difficulty understanding why my party had a negative stereotype when it came to environmental protection. It is called Republicans for Environmental Protection which is an independent 501(c)(4) non-profit organization. Their website is filled with policy papers, press releases, and other documents for their cause. They even have a political action committee (PAC) that donates to republican candidates who adhere to their principles.
This image belongs to Republicans for Environmental Protection 

If you are like me and would like to see the Republican Party make a shift towards a more environmentally friendly agenda, take a look at Republicans for Environmental Protection. Do not forget, you and I do not belong to the Republican Party. The Republican Party belongs to us and we are the only ones who have the ability to make changes.

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