Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Reaction to Beth DeFalco

On the afternoon of February 2, the Asbury Park Press posted an article written by Beth DeFalco of the Associated Press that was titled “Gov. Christie Brags about Fights with Democrats.”  Without hesitation I would like to say this article is disgraceful.  DeFalco pins Governor Christie as nothing more than a bully looking to pick a fight with Democrats.  That was by no means the case and she took his words way out of context.  Governor Christie did in fact say that “to have Democrats arguing with me about which taxes to cut, I feel like I have died and gone to heaven.”  However, if you look at the greater context of it, he was talking about being proud that Democrats want to cut taxes now. 

New Jersey is one of the most overtaxed states in the Nation (thank you Maryland for not allowing us to be the most) and that is because Democrats have voted time and time again to raise our taxes.  Businesses are fleeing in masses to get away from the tax burden.  The re-distribution of wealth is not helping the middle class or even low income families.  It is killing them because businesses cannot survive in this environment and the ones that do survive cannot afford to hire new employees.

It is no shock to me that Senator Loretta Weinberg was the first to comment on the article and criticize the Governor.  She must still be upset that Kim Guadagno is the Lieutenant Governor of the State and not her.  Sorry Senator, but you can always run again in a few years.

Democrats have been in charge in New Jersey for way too long, but have now realized that adding taxes is not the way to go.  Governor Christie is proud of this accomplishment and realizes there is still work to do.  I hope Beth DeFalco learns to write a less biased article next time to show some integrity and learn some professionalism in the field of journalism.

Ron Paul, R3VOLUTION, Give us back the CONSTITUTION!

There is one candidate that I am very certain I will not be voting for in the primary election. Okay, there are actually a couple candidates and one of them is named Ron Paul. At the same time, Ron Paul is the one candidate who fascinates me above all others. He is by far the oldest candidate in the race and, yet, he has the youngest group of supports including Obama’s supporters as well.

Without even talking about age, Dr. Paul also has the most passionate group of supporters who will follow him to the end of the Earth. I could not get the “Ron Paul revolution, give us back the constitution” chant out of my head after his second place finish in New Hampshire. His supporters were so fired up and it was intoxicating.

Most of the supporters, however, know that he is not going to win the primary, heck, even Ron Paul is aware that he is not going to win the primary. Why else would he solely focus on Caucus states? He claims that it is to send a message to Washington for a lot of different reasons, mostly pertaining to liberty and free market economics. To be honest, I am completely on board for these causes. The United States spends too much money, has too much regulation, too high taxes, and at times infringes on the liberty of citizens. 

However, I do not really believe that Ron Paul is running to send a message to Washington. It is probably an advantage, but Ron Paul is running to pave the way for his son Rand Paul to be President in 2017. Think about it, what father does not want to do everything he can to help his son succeed? Almost none. He is doing a great job too, because all the passionate supporters Dr. Paul has are going to run straight to Rand who is already a tea party favorite. Rand is going to be an unstoppable force in the 2016 elections (if the Republicans do not win in 2012) especially after having eight years of Obama.

Ron Paul has a lot of great ideas and I would love to see the budget slashed by a trillion dollars. The problem is, I agree with Ron Paul on 75% of the issues, but the other 25% I disagree with so adamantly that I can’t vote for him. I wish him the best of luck in Nevada and am almost excited to see how well he does in Maine, but my vote is not one that he will be receiving.


Conservation is Conservative

I associate with the Republican Party. However, that does not mean that I always agree with everything that is going on within it. My biggest gripe with the party is its reputation, and sometimes deserving, for being anti-environment. I firmly believe that we need to care for the environment even if our reason is only to preserve its natural beauty. It disappoints me to know that I am sometimes criticized for these beliefs by my own party especially because we have such a rich history of strong environmental advocacy.

Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon, and even Ronald Reagan had strong environmental ethics. Richard Nixon may be best known for the Watergate Scandal, but few people remember that the Environmental Protection Agency was his creation. He also signed key pieces of legislation including the Clean Air Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the National Environmental Policy Act. Yes, he really was a republican.

There is a group that I was introduced to when I was young and having difficulty understanding why my party had a negative stereotype when it came to environmental protection. It is called Republicans for Environmental Protection which is an independent 501(c)(4) non-profit organization. Their website is filled with policy papers, press releases, and other documents for their cause. They even have a political action committee (PAC) that donates to republican candidates who adhere to their principles.
This image belongs to Republicans for Environmental Protection 

If you are like me and would like to see the Republican Party make a shift towards a more environmentally friendly agenda, take a look at Republicans for Environmental Protection. Do not forget, you and I do not belong to the Republican Party. The Republican Party belongs to us and we are the only ones who have the ability to make changes.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The New Jersey Comback

I realize that this video came out five days ago, but I felt like it was definitely necessary to share with anyone who has not seen it. New Jersey had a long struggle with Governors and just when we thought they could not get any worse, along came Jon Corzine. 

In Washington I am often times criticized for my strong faith and admiration for Governor Christie. However, it is because of his willingness to do what is right regardless of what others think that I believe he is right for New Jersey. He plays the politics game at times, but ultimately he stands by his decisions. 

Please take a look at this video posted on youtube by NJGOP. The clips are from this year’s State of the State address.